Monday, April 20, 2009

Easy Family Recipies


I thought I would reach out to all you working moms out there , as I am one too.

I have a system of feeding my family home cooked meals each night of the week saving one for me to go out, with as little effort as possible but with as much old fashion family table warmth as I can possibly manage.

ConsideringI am tired and just maybe a little grumpy each night when I get home but knowing that it is one of the few times we are all together talking and enjoying each other over a good home cooked meal makes me feel like I am doing something great and a little unusual in todays world .

Especially when my childrens friends go to school and tell their teachers and their friends what a great cook Elayna and Maria's mom is.

So here we go .

Sure it takes a little planning .

Each week beforeI go to the grocery I plan my entire weeks worth of meals making sure thatI schedule most of my cooking for my days off.

For example- Sunday : make speghetti sauce.

Now I make enough for Sunday dinner and Monday dinner .

Don't forget a large salad and a large loaf of garlic bread.

Now Monday night I come home at 5:30p.m, heat up my sauce, boil water for noodles, set salad on the table, reheat garlic bread.

Voila, a quick home cooked meal. now .... I know you are saying..... left overs.... but if the food is good enough you will find your family saying " are we having that speghetti for supper tonight cause that was really good?

Now Tuesday, you don't have the time to cook a two night meal so you cook something easy and quick i.e. pork chops on the grill with some oven roasted potatoes, skins on; cut into quarters on a sheet pan in the oven for 30 minutes, just enough time to set the table put some corn on the stove, apple sauce on the table and grill the chops. in less than an hour another easy home cooked meal.

Now if you are off on Wednesday then you cook a two night meal ,reheat on Thursday.

Friday an easy quick meal and Saturday night out you go Mom needs a break!!!!

But you have successfully fed your family a home cooked meal each night except for your personal "home cooked meal" with minimal effort and you should feel good about yourself and what you are doing for your family.

And don't forget, hamburgers on the grill is also a home cooked meal.

........ so hence forth.. do you like that ? I think I read too many Victorian novels. any way, from now on my blog will consist of easy great tasting recipes.

Let me know what you think.

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